Why fall is the perfect time for a new roof

Getting a new roof is a big investment for homeowners. Most roofs last for 20-30 years, depending on the quality of the shingles, how well they were installed, how well they’ve been maintained, and your local climate. If your roof is more than 20 years old, it’s likely due for a replacement. Fall is the perfect time of year to invest in a new roof for your home, so it’s no surprise that fall is one of the busiest seasons of the year for roofing contractors! Let’s discuss some of the reasons why fall truly is the best time to upgrade your roof. 

Protection Against Winter Weather 

Your roof serves more than one purpose. The primary purpose, though, is protection against the elements. Winter weather brings harsh cold temperatures, ice, and snow. Without a good roof, that uncomfortable weather can make its way into your home. A good roof allows your home to withstand the weight of heavy snow while keeping cold temperatures from getting inside the house. If your roof has missing shingles, holes, or cracks, it will be harder to maintain a comfortable temperature this winter. You’ll also be at risk of some annoying and dangerous water leaks as the snow begins to melt. Water leaking into your attic is directly linked to mold growth, even if it’s a small leak. 

Keep the Pests Out

Humans aren’t the only species looking for protection against harsh weather conditions. Squirrels, raccoons, and even bats can make their way into your home if your roof isn’t in good condition. They can enter through holes in the roof, around bad roof flashings, and through the roof ventilation system if it’s damaged. By the time you find the pests in your home, they can do damage to your electrical system and create large nests. The cost of extermination is no joke either! Attempting to remove pests yourself is dangerous for you and the animal, so you won’t have a choice but to hire a professional. It makes a lot more sense to invest in a roof that will last decades than to waste money on extermination services because your roof was neglected! 

Timing is Everything 

Fall is a popular roofing season because the weather is ideal. It isn’t too cold or too hot for the roofing materials to be installed. There isn’t as much rain as there is in the spring, so scheduling the roof replacement is easier. Fall really is the perfect happy medium in terms of weather! 

Contact Pro Exteriors today to schedule your roofing appointment with one of our licensed contractors! Our team can inspect your current roof, identify areas that need to be repaired, or perform a total roof replacement as needed. We use only the best materials and installation methods to ensure your roof will last for years to come! Winter weather will be here before you know it, so call today! 

Contact Pro Exteriors Today!

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